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Choose from 25+ collections of drills - for every season.
Improve 30+ different skills.

Team Drills to Spur Competition

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Competition Season
Purpose of Drills:

1v1, 2v2, 1v3 team putting challenges that spur competitive spirit in any team. Best used few days before team competition and through tournament season – players will learn how to make decisions quickly on the putting green and not at the expense of their teammate(s).

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A comprehensive set of 24 putting challenges designed to spur competitiveness amongst the team. Drills are designed as 1v1, 2v2 and 1v3 challenges. This Matrix is recommended for high competition season.

Players are forced to navigate through the dynamic exercises, constantly switching opponents and thus simulating real-life tournament scenario. Matrix is comprised of wide range of putting drills. Unlike "Multiplayer Teamwork" Matrix where players together on achieving a common goal, players in this Matrix compete against one another, thus evoking pressure and creating a competition-like environment.

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Develop Competitive Mindset Drills

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Competition Season
Purpose of Drills:

Gain confidence in your putting mechanics in preparation for a serious match. Develop competitive mindset using drills with tees, alignment sticks, putting mirror, strings, and other accessories. Learn how to control distance and hit the putt on the line.

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Set of 27 challenges that are technical in nature - the effort will generally lean towards technique improvement and less towards performance. Drills are mainly challenges and predominantly utilize accessories and aids.

This Matrix utilizes accessories such as alignment sticks, string lines, putting mirror and various other apparatus. Recommended for the competitive part of the season when you need to make adjustments to the technique. Drills are mostly stationary and do not ask for a lot of movement around the hole - repetitions performed in these activities are from a single stand, without a lot of movement on the green. Same angle of attack is preserved throughout all 27 activities. All distances are covered.

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Static Drills for Mechanics

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Non-Competition Season
Purpose of Drills:

Step on the green and create static task-oriented environment where you can work on technique during restful days – best used after serious match or a competition season altogether. Decrease margin of error when you hit the putt off line.

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Technique-oriented set of 25 putting exercises, designed for non-competitive part of the season. Drills for the most part are made to improve distance control skills and precision/accuracy skills.

As opposed to Dynamic Technical drills where you switch position every 3rd to 4th putt, Static Technical drills are stationary - you will hit 20 to 30 putts from the same position and hone technique skills. By default, no task nor goal-oriented drills are included in Technical Matrix - goal-oriented drills can be found in Performance Matrix.

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Precision Booster Drills

Drills in Collection
Skills You Will Learn:
Eliminate push and pull
Improve precision 🎯
Improve aim skills
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Made for golfers with wide dispersion who are in need of technique improvements. This selection of 28 drills concentrates movement up and down the ball line.

By design, ball lines in this Matrix support technique development while movement between them improves aim/alignment skills, precision skills, and distance control skills. Sporadic movement between the ball lines will give you variety of shots and occasional change of attack angle - exactly what swing development needs.

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Aim Enhancing Drills

Drills in Collection
Skills You Will Learn:
Narrow down dispersion
Eliminate short/long misses
Improve precision 🎯
Improve aim skills
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Perpendicular Piles Matrix is made for players in need of technique and distance control skills. Since 28 drills offer structure by design, players struggling with technique and distance control should try the drills in this Matrix.

Perpendicular Piles Matrix is made for players who are already skilled in accuracy, who know how to aim, and need distance control skills. You will move from pile of balls to the pile of balls perpendicularly to the green, thus focusing on distance control and technique.

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Consistent Scorer Drills

Drills in Collection
Skills You Will Learn:
Develop consistency
Adopt new tactics
Learn how to visualize shots
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A selection of 28 activities, this matrix is designed primarily for aim/alignment and scoring skills. Parallel Piles Matrix offers a sense of structure to players in need of scoring and accuracy skills.

Since you will generally hit from the same distance in this Matrix, it breathes best results if you are already skilled with distance control. You will move in line with the green, randomly jump from pile to pile and approach the green from various angles. This Matrix is designed for players in need of structure, alignment skills and shot shaping skills.

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Multi-Purpose All-in-One Drills

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Any Season
Purpose of Drills:

Hand-picked drills from all other products packed in one single product. Discover strengths and weaknesses, improve wedge game, eliminate misses, progress through exercises, develop mental imagery skills – be it before a serious match or for fun.

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A complete and balanced selection of all skills necessary to achieve top score during tournament season. This curated Matrix is recommended for competing golfers who are looking for equal dose of technique oriented activities, shot shaping activities and performance oriented activities.

You will learn how to discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and tendencies, and will find actionable drills to tackle each of the discovered categories. "All-Round Matrix" consists of 30 driving range drills designed for improvement of distance control, technique, precision, dispersion and scoring skills.

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SWOT Analysis Drills

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Any Season
Purpose of Drills:

Do a SWOT analysis (in economics – Strengths, Weaknesses, Threat, Opportunities) with wedges, irons and woods, and discover areas for improvement. Combine with “Shot Producer Drills” and make close ties between solid-hits and mental game. Or combine with any other driving range drills.

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Do a SWOT analysis on full swing shots and discover (S)strengths, (W)weaknesses, (O)opportunities and (T)tendencies. Recommended during a period of non-competition. A set of 15 driving range drills that is best utilized in combination with any other full swing Matrix.

You will discover [1] strengths - which shots and clubs to exploit further (go-to shots and clubs), [2] weaknesses - which types of shots and clubs to avoid in critical situations, [3] opportunities - undiscovered shots and clubs worth putting to action more often, and [4] tendencies - to raise awareness what is likely to happen in a given situation.

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Swing Facilitator Drills

Drills in Collection
Practice During:
Non-Competition Season
Purpose of Drills:

Improve technique with wedges, irons, and drivers. Best used to develop swing during off-season. Nature of these drills is stationary in order to make ties between swing mechanics and ball flights. Learn how swing affects trajectory (high/low shots) and curvature (draw/fade).

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Set of 24 driving range drills designed for technique improvement. You will primarily learn technique and precision skills, and will touch upon shot shaping skills.

All efforts with this Matrix are concentrated on technique improvement, and experimentation of how various swing movements influence different ball flights - making it ideal for the off-season period - when no competition is in sight. Drills are split by 5 types of clubs (i.e. wedges, mid irons, woods, etc.) and by 4 types swing categories (i.e. takeaway, downswing, impact, etc.).

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Well-intentioned and cute kind of a golf monster. He came to earth to whisper good thoughts when you're feeling down.

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Monster Family of 16 coming to earth soon. We are working on a quiz "What's Your Monsternality Type?" Discover what monster - and drills - reflect your personality type.




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